Seat Available for Summit 12 Hours


We've got our entry in but unfortunately, we had one of our driving crew posted to an active Navy job the other side of the country. This leaves the Conover Motor Sports VW short a shoe so if you're interested in a seat, get in touch with me.

Hey, Jeff, buy the ride and - since I'm going anyway - I'll fly you down for free... - GA

P.S.: *Now* who's the bastard...? ;)
Dan, I've had a Grumman Tiger for about 12 years my license a year before I bought it.

Great write up in AOPA! I take it it's not the F11A Tiger.;) I live about 3 miles east of Arnold Palmer Regional Airport, a small class D. You'll always have a place to crash, pun intended, if your ever out this way. I stopped flying right around 9/11. Got to crazy and expensive.........but I do miss it sometimes. I always liked the low wing better.