So, I finally got a chance to read the interview last night, and I gotta say a couple of things:

Everybody here knows my car is a 260, not a 240. I think I told the interviewer I race a Z-car, and he wrote 240Z. Ah well, he told me he’s an SRF driver, so what does he know.

I don’t have six more doners waiting in my back yard. I have six Z’s, not all are waiting to go on track. One of those I drive to work everyday. One is the black cow in my avatar.

I didn’t write up 40 of 60 cars at the ’06 runoffs. I wrote 40 actions; a number of cars had more than one area of non-compliance. Some of those the stewards didn’t act on. I need to write a letter to SportsCar about this one, lest the SM guys come after me with pitchforks.