ITR Boxster

Very cool to see the build going on! Looking forward to updates...

TCS - will reduce engine power and apply one or both brakes on the drive axle to control wheel slip to improve 1) stability, 2) steerability, and 3) acceleration. So you can see, you don't want it. :)

I've been instructed that a factory-style clutch pack diff is the best, but maybe that's another sort of religous debate... I'm using one 'cause that's what was cheapest! ;)
Thanks guys - Racers Edge is not too far so I'll call on them.

I figured the traction control wasn't going to be a help - we'll rip them wires out - wait, that's why I need a trained professional :-)

I was able to run a 16 at Nelson in the ITS Mazda so 13 should certainly be in reach.

Happy Holidays [/b]

Ben, read my lips, Don't use a Quaife :018: . Take this from experience. :( If I were building your car, one of the 1st things I'd be looking for is a LSD and not the kind you take by mouth. B) IMO the 3 things I see of importance is the Roll Cage, Suspension then Porsche LSD and in that order. With these 3 things you should be able to win races.
I would call Speedsource. They had at least 1 Boxster they did for the first few years they were in GAC.

Very cool to see the build going on! Looking forward to updates...

TCS - will reduce engine power and apply one or both brakes on the drive axle to control wheel slip to improve 1) stability, 2) steerability, and 3) acceleration. So you can see, you don't want it. :)

I've been instructed that a factory-style clutch pack diff is the best, but maybe that's another sort of religous debate... I'm using one 'cause that's what was cheapest! ;)

All the debates on diff's I've seen rank the quaife third behind the clutch pack then a locker/spool/welded. Tuning the clutch pack is an art in itself, break-away torque as well as ramp angles and more can be adjusted. Good luck on the Boxter. I'd love to see you do well with it.

Thanks guys - I did send an email over to Speed Source - remebered that yellow Boxster also - no reply yet.

I'll put my ebay search out for Boxster LSD - hopefully a little hallucination will come my way :-)
We ran 2 boxters for a few years in Grand Am at Speedsource. Dead solid reliable for the most part. Have to stand on your head or pull the motor to do almost everything. Weak point is power steering will puke fluid almost every session. Add an overflow tank. I do not think they ever had a manual rack, could be wrong. I will be surprised if they have any time to deal with one until after Daytona. Thrashing to get all the cars ready. David Haskell built the motors for all the boxters and the GS cars as well. Does good work and reliable.
I'll put my ebay search out for Boxster LSD - hopefully a little hallucination will come my way :-) [/b]

LOL Ben! Please make sure you :rolleyes: don't eat the wrong LSD too!!! :026:

BTW I have no interest in anything or anybody I may have recommended. Although I do know Eric Steinel but haven't talked to him in years.
Thank goodness the Germans make good cars - Boxster nailed on highway by box truck doing 90 mph - rear ended and flung into woods where trees tore car into little pieces.

Walked away with a bloody nose - wasn't even sore the next day.

Awaiting actual cash value payment. Spent $11500 and $600 on brake job - we'll see what I get from insurance. Looking to keep the hardtop and buy another car...
Thank goodness the Germans make good cars - Boxster nailed on highway by box truck doing 90 mph - rear ended and flung into woods where trees tore car into little pieces.

Walked away with a bloody nose - wasn't even sore the next day.

Awaiting actual cash value payment. Spent $11500 and $600 on brake job - we'll see what I get from insurance. Looking to keep the hardtop and buy another car...

Oh WOW!!!!!!!!!! Thank GOD your OK! There goes the Boxster ITR car. Post some picture if you could. Ben your a lucky man and yes good thing Germans build good cars.
Jeeeeeeeeeez! Ben that SUCKS! Glad you;re ok....
A box truck going 90??
I hope he didn't flee. Did the cops charge him with a metric ton of offenses?
Insurance will probably attempt to low ball. Don't be afraid to be a complete dick, and negotiate hard. From what I've seen, they try hard to keep costs low and profits high.
Thanks for the well wishes. Wasn't even sore - figured I've crashed enough on the track to know you take your hands off the wheel, cross your arms and relax for the hit.

Can you ring that cash register for me? Can you say I can buy 'em? Pocketed $7K that's correct $7K on the settlement. $11500 purchase $18595 on the payout. Where's that big smiley face icon
They do a great job of sacrificing themselves to save the passengers. Glad you're alright Ben.

Actually, I'd bet there's more than $7k in the kitty as you don't have to get another hard-top.

do-it, do-it, do-it....

OK - here's the total story I posted on Rennlist.

A sweet story. I shop for about a year for a 1997-99 Boxster, which has recently been classed in SCCA ITR - I race there regularly in a GT1/Super Production stock car.

I find a sweet looking Boxster in Natick MA - Silver with a hardtop installed, 72K miles clocked, a hole in the front valance and a nice nick on the right rear quarter wheel well and told by sales the rear plastic convertible window is shot. Drive the race car hauler up to Natick MA and after putting the car on the lift at Honda of Natick, the dealer selling the car, I buy it. I asked the salesman, "too good to be true, car is mint, spotless underneath, stamped book - what's the catch? Car has the two blemishes and wouldn't sell in a wealthy community, we dug it out of a snowbank to sell it." I pay a great price and enjoy the heck out of it for 3 months. During the three months I clean this car up and fix the blemishes. I book some DE dates to warm up for the upcoming season with SCCA GT1 and enter into a PITA brake and rotor job. Another recent thread. Anyway, finish the brake upgrade, carefully test the brakes the night before and am driving the car to work the next day.

On my way to work I am forced into a spin by several crossing deer and whip around on wet, rainsoaked pavement. Go into the woods backwards and after hitting an oak, I do the washing machine spin into a few trees. Car is a Porsche and I walk away with no real injuries. I'm fine other than a bloody nose from my hand - must have been off the wheel - not sure if the dodge was worth it and sorry to the animal rights folks. I've put about 600 miles on this car since I bought it.

Today I pick up from my local insurer a settlement check for $19,800 - less than a week after this accident occurred. Outstanding service from my insurer and proof that a Porsche in excellent condition retains its value like a champ. Buy good insurance too. This also proves that if you do your research carefully, you can find a fantastic Porsche at a great price. You must also have the cash on hand to act.

After looking for 12 months for the last car I see yesterday on ebay a 1997 Black Boxster with 59k miles for $12.500. I've negotiated a price of $11,500 - the rear window just split (after Porsche of Hunnington installed a new top in 2007). Car has New Dealer clutch also and 60K service. This presented a very fair price reduction from the seller.

I have placed a significant deposit on this car: eBay auction ended

So I did make a rare prayer to my Lord that I do deserve this good fortune. And if anybody thinks this car is a POS, post it.

Keep your Boxsters in great shape - cheers

PS - what was the deal with 97 Boxsters not running wheels bigger than 17? I bought a 97 when they first came out and remember that.

PPS-I ended up at $8300 in my pocket after deducting the cost of the car. Couldn't keep the hardtop as the insurer gave me over $2000 for it. I pick up my new black Boxster tomorrow.

Interested in a Silver / Red Leather 99 Boxster with a little over 100k? Probably $11,000 range

17" wheels, nice condition 5 speed.