Deisel hits 3.92 9 Time to park the truck

Best solution would be to form a co-op and actually run it as a club for paying members. Design the structure such that you've got someone brewing full-time and club members both supply the WVO and pay a nominal fee for usage.


And check your state laws on that one before doing it. Here in NC there is a lawsuit over a group doing this as the state figures the group owes money in the form of a fuel tax that really takes away a lot of the financial benefit of doing the work.
I've done it, both as brewed biodiesel (BD) and as filtered waste vegetable oil (WVO).

Lots of work. Sure, you can save as much as ~$1.50 per gallon (more for WVO) but it's messy, smelly, and uses some nasty caustic chemicals (BD). You could never make enough for a 44-gallon tow beast - hell, you'd spend most of your time just gathering the WVO - but it would be "OK" to run in a Jetta that goes for two weeks between fills.

Best solution would be to form a co-op and actually run it as a club for paying members. Design the structure such that you've got someone brewing full-time and club members both supply the WVO and pay a nominal fee for usage.

Try it sometime, you might like it. But, trust me, you'll get tired of it once the novelty wears off... - GA

HA, you underestimate my cheap-ness. My wife swears I squeek when I walk. :p

That said, the time to construct the apparatus and gather the oil is what's stopping me. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, soccer, duties as DA of tech, and squeezing a race in every now and then pretty much sucks up all my free time. That and the fear of what it might do to my tow vehicle - I already have one engine rebuild in progress, I don't need another.
And check your state laws on that one before doing it. Here in NC there is a lawsuit over a group doing this as the state figures the group owes money in the form of a fuel tax that really takes away a lot of the financial benefit of doing the work.

I guess I always wondered about that too. You gotta figure big brother isn't going to let that money slip out of his fingers.

The fuel tax wouldn't bother me so much if I could get the road in front on my house paved.
We're gettin' close here in CT. My $3.99 place from last week was still there this AM, but this afternoon my fav/lowest place nearby went up 10c overnight to $3.85.

This is going to be a very long and painful summer...
$4.19/gal from the same place as above; 20c more than it was when I went to work this morning.

As this continues, the number and distance of races I'm attending this year is quickly dwindling...right now we're looking at ~$70 each round trip in diesel just to go to Lime Rock, which is 1.5 hours away, and we sleep at home. $150 in diesel to go to NHIS, 3 hrs away. IT Fest would cost ~$500 and the ARRC over $800 -- and that's with today's price...
Our contract price is 3.07/9 expires in July might be a good idea to force a delivery before locked in rate expires!!! When We bought house in 1965 we paid 16.7 and got 150 Gals free for becoming a customer(damn I'm old)
Yup, and on top of that big news this weekend was the failure of one of the major oil delivery companies in Waterbury CT. 4:30 PM Friday announced business closure and locked the doors. Affects their business plus at least 5 more that they owned.

Other companies are scrambling to pick up the slack, but they're going to have to do it with wholesale spot-priced oil. I expect this will cause economical reverberations state-/region-wide...and I don't expect them to be the last...

It's gonna be a loooong summer....
Best spot price today in CT seems to be about $3.51 before taxes. My current contract - expiring in May - is at $2.529.

This just adds one more straw on the camel's back...

Get filled before you lose that price. I filled my tanks for my 3 buildings for about 2.30+ last year. I just wrote to our state Senator about the prices. Like Bush and gas, I wonder if he even knows the price is high? Did you ever feel like you were in a vise?:( I can be thankful for what I have but feel for the lower income people. How in the hell are they going to afford to heat their homes.
If I can race at all this year, it might only be local.