Quote Originally Posted by lateapex911 View Post
Joe, Joe, Joe....where were you on THIS day. Rain of biblical proportions. I only thought I'd thrown the car away once or twice of EACH lap on my way to my first legitimate (More than 10 cars ) ITA win. Dirt Stockers rule! Later (@nd picture) you can see that it dried out nicely!

By the way, if anyone know Josh Kane, I've tried getting in touch with him to buy the files/prints, but to no avail. Send him my way.
Jake - BTW - A wonderful example of what a GREAT driver can do with a RWD car in a rain race - You showed us all that the myth of FWD in the rain is just that - A myth - Although I agree FWD might be better, a driver can make up for a cars shortfalls - you da man. That was a great win in very difficult conditions - You were awesome. Unfortunately, I tossed the REX into a "jersey barrier" in T-3 (a little over confident wiith those Hossier DS), but after getting the fire extinguished I had the pleasure of watching you carry the checkered flag. I do remember the "river" coming thru T-10 pictured - that was a WHEE for sure.

As a former Dirt Dtocker Man, I happen to like the Hoosier intermediates very much - I have run them when the tracked went to dry and they were very dependable - not cheap but dependable. We've won a "C" and an "A" race with the the Hoosier intermediates and I give them a

You gotta love the rain "for sure."