CCPS at CCR CMP National

Gotcha! I missed the historical reference. In any case, it's good to hear that you'll be ready for the next round. I hope I can say the same.
Dang, I should of come up to play. Sounds like it was fun and Jeff had a good time as well! Congrats Jeff!

I know it would have been cheaper, this weekend cost me a new CX7 for the team owner. Some how that is more expensive than a set of hoosiers :confused:

Yep, the CCPS start sure was a bummer. The only good things about it for me was that I have no idea who jammed me and I had 45 minutes to "cool off" watching the race.

It is seriously too sad that some folks apparently are so clueless about reasonable responsible driving. Granted, this wasn't Sebring 12 hours or the Daytona 24 hours but it WAS an enduro 45min long.

Apparently the logic of making it through the 1st turn in order to actually participate in the competition is lost on some. Perhaps, they should take up motocross where there are points for the hole shot.

At CMP especially, if using the front straight start/finish line there needs to be great care during the start because of the short distance from the line to turn 1. Since the turn is pretty acute and not very wide PATIENCE is the operative term, sadly a trait some of our fellow competitors completely lack.

Anyways, the fella (or gal for all I know) in a GenI that jumped the start and blasted down the inside, half on the grass, I suspect was the catalyst for the ensuing frickas. Where they thought they were going to "merge" in with vastly quicker cars is beyond me.

I hope this "bold" 1st lap, first turn move put them on the podium. Then MY thrashed car and broken thumb will be worth it. (to them)

Oh well, guess this is what I'll use my "economic stimulus" check from GeorgeW for! As T1 said "I'll be back".

Travers, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] about that first gen. Edit -- not appropriate for discussion on web.

The Cup start clusterfricas was fortunately behind me, but I understand the Cup steward went ballistic with the flagman for throwing the green so early, which just compounded the problem.

Bottom line is I am done with the Cup, for those reasons (the start), but more importantly because even closer to the front, racing with SRFs just isn't my idea of fun. They are extremely hard to see, and in my view race very differently than the S/A/7 guys I am used to running with.
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Bottom line is I am done with the Cup, for those reasons (the start), but more importantly because even closer to the front, racing with SRFs just isn't my idea of fun. They are extremely hard to see, and in my view race very differently than the S/A/7 guys I am used to running with.

Jeff... I hate to see you give up on the Cup. I do share some of you view on the SRFs, but I guess I've just accepted their presence. If you shy away just because of the SRF that means you won't be racing in any ECRs either. And as Travers can testify, most of the carnage comes from the S/A/7 guys and gals. That being said, I agree that the SRFs do race differently. You just have to give them room. (and wait for them to take each other out!).

Here's a video from the middle of the race. I was trying to drive just hard enough to stay safely in front of the 2 SRFs but started having clutch/tranny issues so I let them by.
That is good vid. Basically for the 5 laps I was out there (typical!) THAT -- SRFs bouncing off each other -- is what was happening right in front of me. The vid doesn't show it, cause Steve is faster, but the running order up to lap five was Steve/2 SRFs/SM/me. That exact incident nearly happened on lap 3 or so -- one went off left and came back out on track at 13 right in my path.

CCPS is a good series, but I will pass from here on out. Congrats to Jeff McC on his win on Saturday. Nice drive, and looking at mylaps nice consistent, and fast, laps.

Did you guys see that 260z in 3rd? Dayum! Looking good there for Mr. Earp until he got tangled with the SRF (Ron apologized to the SRF driver). With me and Steve out the win was there for the taking.....but Jeff McC drove a clean race and snatched it from Team Pirate.
Rear view of start - mid pack

Unfortunately the front camera didn't work, but here's a rear window view frorm the #88 SM, starting about mid pack.

I have raced CCPs for three years now, but Saturday was the first time I ever watched one. The starts are always insane, but so can be the ECR starts. Usually, it's the mix of cars that causes the weirdness until the field settles in after a few laps.

That being said, the Saturday start was ridiculous. Wa-a-a-a-ay too early to wave the green flag.
That being said, the Saturday start was ridiculous. Wa-a-a-a-ay too early to wave the green flag.

WoW!! That video is scary! There was much more drama than I thought.

I was on the front row and I was even caught off guard by the early flag! Especially after I asked the question in the drivers meeting about possibly starting on the backstrech and getting the response that we would start on the front and get a late start.

What we have here is a failure to communicate....
Thanks for posting the SRF clip Steve. That is almost as fun as watching those pesky MEE-otters. :)

Your car sure sounds good. Check your pm's. I am about to send you one as soon as I finish this.

Never mind, it says you have chosen not to have pm's shoot me an email to my user name (same as on here) at symbol mchsi dot com.

I think it is jsut a quirk with the forum right now.

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Does not appear to be a spun maybe we make the VIR race.....

Motor makes pressure with a drill turning the oil pump. Looks like I just lost prime. However, we have teh motor apart, might just take it out and put new bearings and rings in anyway.
Does not appear to be a spun maybe we make the VIR race.....

Motor makes pressure with a drill turning the oil pump. Looks like I just lost prime. However, we have teh motor apart, might just take it out and put new bearings and rings in anyway.

If you have it that far apart it would be cheap insurance. That's really wierd that it losses prime.

I'm going outside right now to finish taking the motor/tranny out of mine. Everything is going to have to be perfect for me to get it together in time for VIR. I need parts!
Similar thrash here. ...engine is out and apart, new parts are on the way, the cylinder head is at the shop, the car is undergoing a 'degreasing' from all the oil and the best re-useable parts are getting ready to go together.

Now if the Pony cars would just get approved for ITR so I could build an entire car for the price of building one of these Porsche engines...
My motor has good compression (136-140 across all cylinders), no metal in the filter and makes oil pressure. We are going to take a chance and not touch the bottom end. We'll see.
260z -- we took off the right front fender, spoiler and headlight bucket. Should have no problem putting the new fender and accoutrements back on next weekend, car should be ready to go for the SARRC and may run the CCPS.

TR8 -- Before taking the motor down to the block, we were able to get oil pressure with a drill on the pump. Compression check was great -- 135-140 across all cylinders. No metal in oil filter.

But get this -- when we took the heads off, we found that I had two broken valve retainers. My engine builder said that if I hadn't had the oil pressure problem, I was about to have valves meet pistons and have much bigger problems. So, in a way, the oil pressure problem was a good thing. The race diety moves in mysterious ways.....

Bottom line is TR8 should make SARRC at VIR also.

Who else is going? Steve/Anthony? Any updates on repairs?
Here are a couple pics of work in progress.....

