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Old Webmaster

New member
The IT site will be shut down early Sat AM for upgrades to the new software. We will be back online Monday morning. (upgraded or not!) :D
Come on by and help me paint the conservatory.

Yeah - when you have an actual job in Charleston, WV you can afford to buy a 100-year-old house that actually has a conservatory. And a music room. It had a telephone booth (like you see in old movies, in hotel lobbies) until someone hooked it to the 1/2 bath next door and turned it into a shower.

Jeez Kirk, all my 100 year old victorian has is a turret and pigeons! (Well, HAD,,, after a 2 year battle, the fowl have moved to a more hospitable home..)

I'll be sure to swing by the next time I'm headed to VIR so I can make a phone call...
Thanks to the webmaster/admin for getting the site back up.

IT LOOKS GREAT! I am sure there will be some bugs but that's OK if it makes it easier on you!

Come on by and help me paint the conservatory.

Yeah - when you have an actual job in Charleston, WV you can afford to buy a 100-year-old house that actually has a conservatory. And a music room. It had a telephone booth (like you see in old movies, in hotel lobbies) until someone hooked it to the 1/2 bath next door and turned it into a shower.


I spent the weekend performing maintance on the property. Saturday I pruned our mesquite tree. If all you know about Mesquite is it makes good charcoal, then you don't know the hidden secret of this tree, it has an identity crisis. You see the tree thinks it's a rose-bush, actually the thorns on the mesquite tree puts rose thorns to shame. I was stuck in the foot by one thorn that penetrated through all of the foam in the sole my Nike running shoe. I was also using my chain-saw while standing on a 16ft ladder, needless to say I was really careful about each cut.

Thanks to the webmaster/admin for getting the site back up.

IT LOOKS GREAT! I am sure there will be some bugs but that's OK if it makes it easier on you!



It's back! ;) Glad you all got it back up site looks good so far.

Got bit by that password issue, but the "reset" appears to have fixed it.

How do i go about getting an avatar again? I was able to add a profile picture, but when i go under "edit avatar", there appear to be an option to upload a photo.

Happy posting. -Scot :)

PS: Wow...the new site is REALLY fast. Hope it stays that way, and it isn't just a by-product of everyone not finding the new site yet!! ;)
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>> How do i go about getting an avatar again?

See the red announcement on the top of the home page.
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