
Are you telling us that your car has no ECU tuning? Serra MUST have tweaked on that thing with HonData...if not, we are all in BIG trouble!!!!!!!!

Andy - I think what I am really saying is that this country is ready for a women President.

I think it's safe to say that I haven't tuned our ECU to the same degree as our current infamous NARRC Champion. I just felt it was time to check in with my Honda product brothers and sisters, and find out what they might be thinking. Safe to say I have a ways to go to catch up with you, your level of tuning and the rule change - that's all - you set a new standard for us to follow. Thought it was time to check in - keeping in mind you are way quicker than I am - at least that what my time sheets are telling me - I think it's time for me to get going and not continue to be complacent. BIG trouble - I don't think so.

You gotta realize it's not unlike me to wait until April 12th before we start to get ready and have been know to not start racing until August. This is new ground for me - very exciting.