Every US MkIII Golf came with PS and, while it might be possible, it's going to be hard to get down to the minimum even with a 2-door Golf.

There's a guy in Florida running a Jetta, I think but I had more than a few questions about some of the "preparation" he'd done on the car, based on his descriptions.

A Jetta - at the same weight - will have a higher polar moment of inertia than a Golf. It will more reluctant to start rotating (yawing moment) and more enthusiastic about continuing to rotate, once it starts. This is generally felt by drivers as "stability." When people say that MR2s are scary to drive in the rain because they spin quickly, it's the opposite of what I'm talking about - low polar moment = waits longer before coming unhooked, requires quicker hands to catch...

I would indeed be unsurprised to find out that the Jetta was better in aero terms. Those little doors probably make the chassis more inherently stiff (old skool rally thinking), and besides - you get the bonus of that BTCC look that the chicks dig.