Now now Joe! No you wouldn't, you'd argue the opposite! Trying to stir the pot on Christmas, shame on you! lol......

I would argue based on the piston interpretation that a billet hub that was dimensionally identical would be fully legal in IT.
Sky's not falling though. Read the rule (not the piston specific one):

Stock replacement parts maybe obtained from sources other than the manufacturer profided they are teh exact equivalent of the replacement parts. The intent of this rule is to allow the competitor to obtain replacement parts from standard industry outlets, e.g. auto-parts distributors, rather than from the manufacturer. It is not intended to allow parts that do not meet all dimensional and material specifications of new parts from the manufacturer.

David is right. You can't go to the local machine shop have someone make you a (lighter and stronger) billet hub. Illegal per teh words and intent of the rule.

Happy holidays!