You guys drive me nuts.

Point 1: In my industry, which isn't about cars, I can't think of a single industry standards body that isn't in it for its member companies. The way that the SFI operates is very very very typical, as far as I can tell. Perhaps Isaac, LLC should join the SFI. It is not likely to effect change from the outside. It is also unlikely, on its own, that it can persuade the club to ignore SFI. It's just the nature of industry.

Point 2: I don't know the timelines between the SFI H&N requirements and the existence of the Isaac device (I'm sure I'll hear it), but I find it tough to believe that the single-point-of-release requirement exists with the very intent of excluding the Isaac. It appears to me that the SFI H&N requirements have two aspects: one is the safety of the driver in a crash (for which the Isaac obviously appears to test extremely well), and the second is for the quick extrication of said driver by safety workers. The single-point-of-release isn't the only thing that's there for the safety people, that's why epaulets are there on our suits too. Now, intelligent people can argue all day long about whether or not these specs need to be there (maybe safety people cut all 6 or 7 belts rather than release the harness, etc), but the specs are there and they have reasonable justifications beyond excluding a product that could compete with one of the member company's product.

Okay, with that out, lay it on me. Is the single-point-of-release requirement new? More recent than the Isaac's market introduction?

And back on point with the thread: it seems appropriate to me that the SFI (or some industry body) would get in the business of producing roll cage specifications, but it would probably only for pre-fabbed cages that can be bought off the shelf. If that happened, then either the SCCA would accept that standard and custom (non-labelled) cages would not be allowed, or the club would still have to provide construction guidelines for custom cages. And because I doubt the members would ever let custom cages go away, I don't think we'll see labelling requirements for cages anytime soon.