Novice Buying a Racecar

mr. black

New member

I'm new to this forum and am in the process of purchasing a 92 E36 racer. It's set up for D prepared (older World Challenge car). The thing is, I live in Baltimore and the car is in Dover, NH. I received this link from a guy off the SCCA website. Does anybody know anyone that lives in the area and can go check this car out? I have planned on making the drive this Saturday. Any help would be great, thanks.

Shawn, I have a great ITR/ITS 1993 E36 (NASA GTS2, BMWCCA JP) car for sale with an extra motor $15.5K It is an old AUTOTECHNIC car . I live in Pittsburgh. Car was on NASA NAtional's program. Can arrange a race shop to look at the car for you( at your expense)

Greg Peluso
[email protected]

I'm new to this forum and am in the process of purchasing a 92 E36 racer. It's set up for D prepared (older World Challenge car). The thing is, I live in Baltimore and the car is in Dover, NH. I received this link from a guy off the SCCA website. Does anybody know anyone that lives in the area and can go check this car out? I have planned on making the drive this Saturday. Any help would be great, thanks.


Welcome Shawn,

I thought you'd post in the North-East region forum, as they're really active there unlike the Pacific forum. My advice is not to be set on purchasing any one car, not that I took my own advice thought as Z3 race-cars aren't the most common around. Also remember that there are always deals to be had in reguards to racecars. Good luck,

I'm all a-backwards on this one. I didn't realize this was a regional post in the pacific. I signed up and started asking questions per your advice. What kind of turn out or class am I looking at with a D-Prep car via SCCA, NASA, and BMWCCA? I thought I had done my homework. I was told that Prep classes are all but dead. I had not settled on one car but ran across a good deal with a trailer. I've owned 3 BMWs, my last a 95 M3, and have a love affair with BMW's now.

I'm all a-backwards on this one. I didn't realize this was a regional post in the pacific. I signed up and started asking questions per your advice. What kind of turn out or class am I looking at with a D-Prep car via SCCA, NASA, and BMWCCA? I thought I had done my homework. I was told that Prep classes are all but dead. I had not settled on one car but ran across a good deal with a trailer. I've owned 3 BMWs, my last a 95 M3, and have a love affair with BMW's now.


Hey Shawn,

I think you're misunderstanding me, this forum is a national IT forum, but there are regional sub-forums. I was just contrasting the activity in the NorthEast regional forum with the Pacific.

As for the Prepared class, they're just getting off the ground, so I wouldn't say they're dead just yet. But, you can take an ITR car and run DP at a National but you can't take a DP car and run ITR at a regional. It can be quite expensive to undo some of the mod's allowed in DP, I know this from first hand experience.

DP/ITE -> GTS 3/4 -> DMod
ITR -> GTS 4/5 -> JP

What keeps the DP out of ITR? Do you have a recomendation for a class or a car that is versatile and competitive other than the overcrowded miata classes? I am looking to invest in a race package (i.e. spares and a trailer). Even if I get an old RX7 or something, I will probally not be able to financially step up any time soon. So, I would like to get something I can grow with for a few years while the only thing really keeping me from being somewhat competitive is my driving skills. Spec E30 is great in NASA, but no where else and formula cars seem expensive and hard to maintain. A door slammer that I can do HPDEs and multi sanction events sounds best. But like I said, I'm a novice. Right now it does not look like I will be purchasing this E36. It's a shame, because it seems like a great deal, a good car, and I've been trying to put the deal together for about 2 weeks.
Actually Spec E30 makes a lot of sense. You can run with SCCA (ITS), NASA, and BMW (KP) plus PBOC and depending on the year, various vintage groups. A very versatile car indeed. You won't be competitive in SCCA, but what you need starting out is seat time in a package that won't scare the crap out of you :cavallo: In addition, the Spec E30 is probably the cheapest car to build...that, of course, depends on the cost of the donor car. The Spec E30 forum has lots of good information and you can get a very good idea of the build cost. When you become more proficient, the car can be changed to be quite competitive in various classes. Good Luck, Chuck
You can get an E36 ITR BMW, race it in SCCA (ITR/DP), BMW Club Racing (JP) and NASA in a catch all class. That would seem to be the best bet for you as you seem to love the E36. I was at the BMWCCA race at Roebling last weekend and saw many really nice ITR/JP cars there...Bolt on a wing/dive plates and splitter and the car is competitive. Un-bolt said items and race ITR (or leave them on and run DP)
If a DP car is ex- World Challenge and has the roll cage through the front fire wall, it's pretty much out of any IT class even if I take the wings off, isn't it? Would it still be able to run in JP? Forgive my naivity, but what is PBOC?
That is a very nice E36. Now add 2000$ for safety equipment and you have a 25k car! Buy an E30 for 2500$. build the Spec E30, buy all safety equipment and invest do the math. Chuck
thanks for the props. The car is really nice. I hate to sell it but I really need the money right now. I know I'll regret it in a year when cash isn't an issue.
Christmas special, take a couple thousand off and get a $40k car for $20k.......
Happy Holidays to all you cool racers.
We all KNOW you secretly desire another RX7...It's in your blood. (that's why you still have the flames on the avatar)... :)

Where have you been hiding? I haven't seen around in ages..
I am moving to NC and have been playing with Grand Am Koni. I have not been to many SCCA races this year and I miss it! I am still trying to figure out my schedule for next year but I am sure I will be doing more...
I heard a rumor that your #66 is going on the block. Is that true? If so, what are your future racing plans?
I still have the '89, so you might be correct about my future.
Happy Holidays,