That sounds logical, John, but often cheaters cheat because they are running at the back..or the middle (You lap those guys too, right? )

And they cheat because they don't get the core of the issue, it's not just the car, it's the driver.
This is my belief as well. That's not to say there aren't cheaters at the front, but it seems to be less so because the drivers gotz mo' skillz.

I didn't have any throat or respiratory problems, and the burning/watering eyes didn't start and build up gradually, it seems like it was almost instantly.

I know that it can't be healthy to breath whatever it is, but my concern is more safety than health related. And I don't recall a specific odor, although in a racecar I seem to be subjected to various odors during a race (oil, tires, brakes, coolant, exhaust, etc.). The fact that I didn't get a nauseated feeling leads me to believe is was not simply exhaust fumes or burning oil from a used-up motor.

Are there exotic fuels or additives that you guys suspect are being used?