It seems to me there is some confusion about the dates on the FIA certification. Mine is the 1986 date and I purchased this suit from a Sparco dealer in 1998. A full 12 years after the standard was set. Now the newer suits marked 2000 have a date 18 years different but many of these suits are nowhere near that age. My suit is going on 10 years old and while a bit snugger than when I bought it you can not tell one bit that it is that age. If it did not have a couple patches you could not tell its used. Taking very good care of it and a seriously reduced number of outings in the last several years while always cleaning it after races are what works for me. Its nuts that ths suit is "bad" while a single layer suit can be marked "good" just because of a label. I've seen more oil soaked nasty single layer suits that you can see thru get raced and usually without the underwear. I just can't fathom this.

And remember next year everybody will need to buy a SFI rated fire system per the new rules as well. I guess I can throw out my plumbed halon system. Maybe SCCA just wants us to throw out our cars too......
