The track is certainly faster...but everyone is faster still. In my case in ITA, I qualified 3.3 s faster then last year (p7) and am currently in 9th! ITA pole is is 42.7!!!

The B class is close except for the pole. I can't remember the times, but the yellow 0 golf is something like a 46.0, I can't recall where P2 is, P3 is Derek Lugar is 46.7, Rob McCabe is .05 behind him, and Trevor is .1 behind Rob, so it's all really close except for P1...

On the upside Jeremy from SCCA has showed up with both the Whister and the cam doctor, so tech may be a different deal this year.

I was a little put out that tech didn't weigh many classes in qualifying, not ITA or ITB, so maybe they are saving all the rules enforcement for the race!

There are a ton of cars here, the Pro IT ran tonight with 65 cars, and it was a VERY busy start!

Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and clear and in the mid 60's, so the racing should be fast and fun.