We have a local racer here in the St. Louis area running a Saturn (very well!) in ITA. His name is Dana Hullinger. If I can get some contact info I will pass it on. Plus 1 on reading the book on how to get started. Seems you are going in the right direction with asking questions. Don't be wary about asking the stupid stuff too since we all started out that way. I think you will find that most of the participants on this board are more than willing to share some valuable insight and opinions. You did not mention where in SW Missouri you are located but if its near Joplin you may want to take a trip to visit Saferacer's facility on US-71 just south of I-44. Ask for Charlie James and tell him Bud sent you! They handle all manner of safety stuff like suits, helmets, belts..............and Charlie runs a stable of Spec Miatas. Good luck with your research and car selection.
Bud Scott