I've got mixed emotions on this. I've actually liked CMP from the first time I went there. It is kind of like that under appreciated girl in high school who maybe isn't as pretty as the others, but is way cooler...and fun to play with....(whoops!).

I even like the autocross section, because we RACE back there. Door to door, outbraking, outaccelerating. Yeah, it is tight and slow but it is also a lot of fun to be back there with 3-4 other ITS cars.

The split for me is that it is the autox section that is SO hard on brakes. I'm probably one of the worst "victims" of this, but all of us have brake trouble there. This may fix that.

But the bottom line is we as SCCA guys have no real say in this. The track will have to do something to keep its bread and butter - testing and track days driven by folks and industry (yes, I am avoiding using the N word -- NASCAR) in Charlotte. High Rock is going to be a threat for this.