After thinkin about this debate for a while and seeing good points on both sides, it finally dawned on me. There should be an allowance of a 7" wheel in IT. For the simple fact that it is a class that is based on giving people a chance to racing, so all of you who take it way to seriously should remember that fact. Also, for the people that have spent "thousands" of dollars developing their cars for these rim size rules are completely going against the philosiphy of the intent of the class. I know peole are going to go crazy over this, but I cannot be suaded of my beliefs!

Marc Rider
Sorry Marc, but you might have a point if were were talking about entry level HPDE days...or lapping . Or participating as opposed to watching.

But we're not.....we're racers, and we race. To win. To do better than the other guy. Ergo, to seek a competitive advantage.

Philosophies, in racing, are nearly impossible to enforce when it comes to expenditures. (A claiing rule can work but it's very difficult to administer in a multi marque category such as this, and if it were to be done, it needs to be done at the outset)

You simply can not lay fault on people for following the rules to the extent of their abilities...and in racing, those abilities include more than the abilty to drive..they include the ability to find funding. Many racers improve their competitive package by getting better funding, either by working longer, harder or smarter, or by raising funds and services through sponsorship. It's the nature of this sport.

The rule book wouldn't exist if it was just about the philosophy....