I'm still not getting it but then, I'm old and slow...

So, under what (some of) you are proposing, I could simply take my Golf, tape over the "B", slap on an "A" and run for SARRC points in the group that includes ITA in addition to the one that includes ITB? Of course then...

** I can run A instead of B, rather than adding an entry fee to the region's income?

** I can run A and R, if they are in two groups.

** I can pay two entry fees and enter both classes if they are in the same group.

** I can pay two entry fees and enter ITB twice! Double points!!

** I can enter other "faster" classes at a Regional (like EP, for example)? Does it make a difference if anyone else is entered in the class or not?

** Since we've chucked the general expectation that cars have to be listed in specific classes to be eligible, I can probably qualify for the RubOffs in SOMETHING next year.

Before you get all sputtery with indignation about how I've taken this to some asinine extreme, stop and check each of the "solutions" above against the rationale that have been presented. How many of them...

** Allow me to get more races in a given weekend, thereby stretching my racing dollar?

** Allow the region to increase entries and make more money?

** Don't violate Dickita's First and Second Rules?

Heck - I've even improved EP's national participation numbers!

Kirk (who seems to remember SOMETHING about a bunch of IT entrants squawking about SMs being allowed to run in IT)