Stephen, are you moving away from the German mark and over to the dark side of a domestic ride?

No just kidding, I have looked at the Focus for a little bit I just don't see it making the power, Now maybe if they had the later motor it might be fun. I do know they handle well out of the box and the aftermarket for parts is quite good. Thats why we run the Mustang in ITB,I did not have to figure every little thing out.


Hope your Pop is doing well
Thanks Ron,

IN am very interested in running in ITS with something different than everyone else. The idea of something new that still has available parts is an interesting idea. I would love to stay german but BMW is out since those are like belly buttons An A4 would be cool but I think the focus SVT actually has a better chance. Now the dilema seems to be that the SVT is unobtainble for less than 10 grand for the donner car. At that rate I can buy 2 BMW's or 2 Porches and have a german car!

Oh-well the search is still on...