Indy Region Fall Frolics Double Regional Sept 29-30 at ORP


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Indy Region Fall Frolics Double Regional September 29-30 at O-Reilly Raceway Park (formerly IRP).

Bored with that same-old track in the middle of Ohio? Come out to our real cowboy-track!

Info at:

On-line registration at:

Group 1 FF, CFF, FV, F5, FST
Group 2 SM, ITB, ITC, SSB, SSC, GP, HP
Group 3 ITE, ITS, ITR, GT1, GT2, GT3, AS, T1, T2, SP, ST, BP
Group 4 ITA, BG, T3, SPU, EP, FP, GTL, DP, SRF
Group 5 FA, F1000, FM, FS, FC, CFC, S2, ASR, CSR, DSR, FE

1. On Saturday there will be a Special Feature Event - The Headless Horseman Handicap Race. This event will be open to all closed wheel classes (including SRF). Cars will be handicapped based on their speed potential, such that slow cars start first, faster cars start at subsequent times based on their potential, and all cars should theoretically finish at the same time. First car to complete 10 laps wins.
2. To enter, sign up at Driver Info. Entry fee will be $20, ALL of which will go into the purse, along with additional funds to be determined by the Race Chairmen. Minimum purse will be $500. Limited to first 24 cars entered.
3. Purse Distribution: 35% to First Place, 25% to Second place, 15% to Third Place, 25% as the Drive of the Race Award (winner to be determined by the Race Chairmen and Operating Stewards). Payout will be in cash after the event. Top three finishers will also receive Champaign and podium photo session.
4. Starting positions will be determined by the Chief Handicaper based on times turned during Saturday qualifying and races, class records, secret incantation, and black magic. (warning: eye of newt and toe of frog may be used)
5. Cars will be gridded in single file order in the pit lane with the first starter at pit exit. Cars will start from the pit exit station (standing start) upon signal from the Chief Handicapper) As each car leaves the pits, subsequent cars must roll forward to the pit exit but may not proceed until signaled by the Chief Handicapper.
6. Any car entering the pit lane from the track is automatically a DNF and must stop at the head of the pit lane so as not to interfere with remaining cars.
7. Starting times as determined by the Chief Handicapper are not protestable. The Chief Steward has final say in all matters regarding the conduct of this event and may alter the regulations for this race only, as necessary at the time of the event.
Why isn't this event in SportsCar? Will there be a decent turnout of ITS cars? I've never been to IRP but there is a gaping hole in my calendar.
Why isn't this event in SportsCar? Will there be a decent turnout of ITS cars? I've never been to IRP but there is a gaping hole in my calendar.

Good question Bill, I don't know why it's not listed, it's been on the schedule since the beginning of the year.
As far as the ITS field, we had 8 cars here in May.
I would like to get back out there again, but I am not fully recovered from surgery. Its a bummer. I had just gotten the vibration out of my shoulder from May's races. I'll be back next spring.
I just got the car back together and it looks like I will make it out there for Saturday and Sunday. I haven't registered yet, but right now it looks like I would be the only ITS car out there.
A week away and only 23 entrants - is no one going?

That's the on-line's only, doesn't show the mail-in entries. I'll check and see if they plan to back-fill the mail-in's.

Come out to our real cowboy-track!
Steve, you don't mean like Broke Back Mountain cowboys, do ya?

Hey, you're the one with the word "broke" in your signature..... :D

one TR8 will be there

Just one? What did you do, combine the two of them? :D
From the Indianapolis Region, I would like to thank all of you that came out for a great weekend.
My rambling narrative on my weekend:
Thrashed all last week trying to get the car to run right.
I put an Autozone alternator back on, checked and fixed grounds. It ran - loaded it on the trailer.
Saturday qual, ran the some old Kumhos - took a few laps to clean all the crap off them, never put down a blistering lap before the dreaded high rpm miss that I have been dealing with started again Ran a 1:55, not especially great. But, the alt was putting out 14+ volt at the time. With the help (or hindrance) of some buddy's (including - gasp - a Steward!), swapped out the distributor (a used part of unknown quality) and a buddy ran and got me a new coil. Put them on - ran good, threw the Hankooks on since that was the contingency money I was going for. Crossed my fingers for the first race.
Got a horrible start when an EP car ahead missed a shift - was dead last going into T1. I actually ran over the base of one of the big cones at pit-out. They checked and the cone was moved sideways, but it didn't fall! Couple cars wrecked ahead of me just past T1, worked my way to catch back up to a silver Miata that I was running similar times with. The lead Saturn of Chris Berube and CRX of Mark Frost had checked out (they were ahead of the cluster at the start). Put my head down and ran down the Miata and finally passed him on lap 10. Next lap around, I screwed up and had a quick spin at T12 and the Miata got back by - to much of a gap to catch him at that point, so I puttered around to take my 4th place finish. Hit the pit lane and a friend is showing me two fingers. Huh? Second place? I didn't know it, but the Saturn crashed and the CRX blew up. I spun myself out of the lead. $hit. Ran a 1:54 during the race, but the tires were not up to it. These are definite enduro tires, not sprint tires.
Threw on some REAL old 15" Avon's for the handicap pursuit race. I was gridded 6th out of 13. Had a close call passing Jude Rudder (of ITA 240SX fame from MidDiv) in his AS Camaro in T3 (my fault, went loose, nearly lost it, he was nice enough to not hit me!), ran down the other cars, got passed by Morey Doyle in his thundering ITS TR8 on the front straight. Thought I had 2nd place as Morey was the only car that passed me and I had passed a bunch of other cars And then Morey's car began shedding parts on the cool down lap (after I gave him a victory tap in the rear)! His harmonic balancer (I think) came off and I had to dodge the pieces as they came out - no, it had nothing to do with the tap! In victory lane I discovered that an ITR car that started way up front had actually won - I never saw him on course! This is the first year for ITR obviously, so the handicapping formula they used for the class was a little off as they had no history to go by. Oh well, I doubled my mom's entry fee that she paid for me while I was thrashing to get the car ready before the race - $40.00! Woohoo! But pf course, during the race the volt gauge had started moving back and forth between 12 and 14V. This was a new symptom on the car as well as having the stock "idiot lights" start to illuminate as well whenever it went to 12V. That had never happened before. So my guess was this was yet another manifestation of issues on the car - I think the coil/distributor repalcement fixed the high rpm problem, I think the crappola Autozone alt just failed because it's crapola Autozone alt. Oh, and I ran a personal best 1:53.1 on the used up Avon's. :023: It's confirmed that I need to be stuffing 225/45/15's under the car from now on. Felt great! I was going to use them Sunday except I flat spotted the right front during my close call with the AS car. :(
Sunday morning I put my Hitachi rebuilt alternator back on as well as the hard Hankooks (gotta win some tire money!). Qual'd OK at a 1:53 high, was taking a final hot lap and the car gas starved thru T3 - didn't put quite enough in. :bash_1_: Had another crappy start in the race when a late entry EP car made a banzai move inside and we went into T1 about 4 wide. I backed off - I missed the crash just past T1 the previous day, I planned to miss this one as well. No crash amazingly, but the repaired Saturn and a different Miata took off and hid, and the silver Miata winner from the previous day and I started up our battle again. He had got ahead of me on the start but was right in front of me. Got a great run thru the back section and powered by him on the front straight about lap 4. I then proceeded to have the widest Sentra ever built for the next 11 laps! He would catch me by T4 and try and take a run, I would power away down the back stretch, then he would catch me again at T12 - I could not get the car to turn in T12. The tires were completely slicked up by then and I nearly spun again at one point. He got a nose under and we went up to T15 side by side once, but I pulled back ahead on the front stretch again. From then on I went painfully slow thru T12, playing huggy-pole and protecting the inside line, he had to go around on the outside if he was going to get me and he never could. Best lap was in the mid 1:54, finished third, and nothing broke!!!
One of the most fun races ever! :birra: