Jake is right. The Mr2 should not be lumped in to the Rx7, assuming that the vast majority of the mr2 guys want to buy new wheels then let it happen. They do not need DCs.

because that's what they're ultimately trying to get, this is just the first step in the process. They feel like the car is currently uncompetitive as classed, and at least in the case of the RX7, no weight adjustment can really be made, as it's already hard enough to get there (but it CAN be done, which is all that matters). So the first step is to get it moved down a class and add weight. But since it is being classed using the same process, it will likely still be too heavy to really be competitive. now....since it was moved down in class and up in weight, there IS some room to adjust the minimum as it's already been proven to be capable of making the lighter weight. let the letters pour in, the 20page threads fly, and if the weight is adjusted, there's your model specific action setting precedent for everyone else.
I disagree. Just because it can be done if you push the envelope and pick the right year does not mean all those cars parked can be lightened.

You said it yourself. The only way to get a negative competition is to convince the ITAC that the process fails the car. That is a whole other fight and not a good reason to not solve the problem at hand.

The advantage is that even if you are right and the Rx7 is not competitive in B at least by being able to get a car to weight I think people will give some of these parked cars a shot.