Steve, Gill got DQed for a short pit stop. <snip> [/b]
David, I have a question about the rules....

No names (it&#39;s really not that big a deal), but last year I was in a CCPS race where a guy got penalized for a "short stop". He finished 4th about 20 seconds ahead of me. The 5th place car was about 1 1/2 car lengths ahead of me. The 4th place guy was penalized "1 position" which moved him back to 5th. Essentially between me and the guy that finished less than 1 second ahead of me. <_<

Maybe they&#39;ve "fixed" the rule, and granted we&#39;re talking about the difference between 5th and 6th. It just seems like a bum deal at the time.

On the other hand, I know someone who had a "short stop" in an ECR because they were 1 second under.

Is DQing for a short stop new this year? Still not sure how I feel about that, but it&#39;s definitely an improvement over "1 position".