hey all...

new to these boards though i have been lurking for a while. the quality and the politeness of the posts here are a welcome addition to my internet experience. really cool that everyone plays nice here.

like shannon, i'm excited about getting started in IT racing next season. You guys have really helped me thing thru the rent vs. buy decision for new races. I had been looking at hondas/neons/ etc. Now I'm more serious about rental (thanks GregAmy, conover et al)

Here's my main concern: I'm in the D.C. region of the SCCA (of which i'm a member and a new volunteer at our main track Summit Point), and from hanging around the track and in checking online, i dont see many (if any?) rent a race car vendors. I did talk to rent-a-race-car.net but theyre 4+ hours away and not a practical option. Am i missing something? Yes, I want to run the numbers on IT rental, but how do i really get started?

Many thanks in advance,
