Whether it was the intent of the ITAC, the CRB, the OIC, or whoever, the changes recommended will help enable the newer, higher classed IT cars to go national. That is the desire of more than one ITAC member, so I've been told. It's not going to boost production car numbers. As it is, the SCCA would like to get rid of production and lower classed GT cars. The idea behind the motivation is to get national racing to be more current model cars. Then they can make use of manufacturer's money as was done in the Trans Am series. As it is, the SCCA has no real stake in any pro racing anymore. It's name is mentioned in the paper work, but only as much as needed.

Those of us in ITB and ITC will soon join ranks with GTL, F.G, and HP in a regional only series, while those in the newer classes will spend their buns off going national racing. I wish them luck. See you in retirement.