You know, I know only have met a few of you and have personally watched you race only once but I feel like I know you guys. I can't wait to get out and race with you.

Mr. Parrish, I about fell out of the chair laughing so hard about the t-shirts. Sorry I didn't get to shake your hand since you were gone when I talked with Jeff.

I ran two laps in qual in the rain. MORE than enough for me.
I wondered what happend to you on Saturday. I figured you for an easy race winner, I mean that British car is ready made for the rain. It feels like HOME to the car. The Lucas electrics will work better with the reduced resistance, the brakes will work better since they will be properly cooled by the water on the track, and the driver will not be inundated by the burning oil fumes since the windows will be down and everyone knows what happens to oil smoke in the rain. :026: :026: :026:

It was good to meet you guys and I look forward to seeing you all again. (see, even newcomer can stir the pot a little and put me down for one of the t-shirts)