Maybe you should join me for lunch on Tuesday at the Chowder Club at Sardi's where non other than Skip Barber is the guest speaker. I guess I will be asking some very pointed questions............

The track was given a deadline for the track repaving by ALMS. I would have to look back but I believe the date has passed.

Not much has been improved in the past few years at the track. If you want to make money you have to spend money. Maybe they should look at how Thunderhill( which is SCCA owned) is run ?? or maybe take a lesson from Don Panoz. He seems to have the ability to run racetracks and make money ? does he not ?

The also is a " track repaving fund " . What has happened to that ? How much money was in it ?

If the wait to get a date is 5 years why oh why did SCCA give up the National for Mosport where there was 1 T1 and 1 T2 car this past weekend ???? ( 70 cars @ $295 , did this event pay for itself ? ) sounds like a real money maker for SCCA on July 4th weekend. Cheaper entry fee's and a way longer haul ( think fuel prices ) makes Lime Rock fee's look cheap. But this is a whole other topic........................................

$100,000 + $10,000 for membership !!!! Lets see how many fork that over.......... I can think of many other ways to spend my money and earn some equity with it.

Bridgehampton is missed by many lets hope that Lime Rock doesn't follow the same fate..................... .