The silver Honda showed very poor judgement, as I watched it all from the hill. (In hindsight, I guess I'm actually glad my motor chose Tuesday to blow, as this race wasn't much fun, LOL) Glad the driver is OK. One one hand, thankfully the car was British, and RHD, on the other, if the darn thing wasn't British, maybe the wheel would have stayed attached!

On an interesting sidenote, if I am speculating correctly, Mr Bettencourts car didn't start in grid without a bump start. And if he has no fan on the car, he could not leave it idling during the black flag all in the pits. IF the race had restarted, there was a chance he might not have been able to rejoin without outside assistance, which means that....Richie would have won.

But, the race was never restarted, so that bullet was dodged.

This is all speculation, as I don't know if he has a fan or not, and if the no start condition fixed itself when running.

Joe made some strong moves, esp on the start. And a tip of the hat to Dr Bro, who really stepped up and got into the 4s. Nice job!