The Lotus started in 8th, not exactly in the back.
Hmm I thought he started at the rear, if I am mistaken I am sorry

Accident happened in turn 4, the right hander.
station 4 is the left hander, station 5, where this happened is the right hander leading on to no name

The white Miata, who incidentally, had a great start, spun trying to avoid the carnage. Viglioti, just in front of me, in his blue Honda, and I snuck thru just as the carnage was taking place.
hmm that is inconsistent with the vidio from the rx7, not that it is a real big deal. I place no blame on the white Miata who contacted the lotus, he did the best he could. there was one blue car, a miata i think that passed the rx7 in the left hander that squezed thru and the the rx7 got cought up in it. I can not say who got thru after that but I thought Dom was well ahead of the incident.