Matt, technically that is true at all tracks I run. A buddy at CMP got charged $150 for oil dry. At VIR, if you tear up a guardrail, you pay for it. The difference is that in the past, the track management at other tracks has been reasonable about this stuff.

I was at Barber at the infamous 2004 race where we (the SCCA) allegedly did something like $30,000 in damage to the grounds and guardrails. I saw nothing that would even come close to that amount, and I frankly didn't like the Paddock Nazis who walked around, with guns, busting chops for small spills of fluids.

All of that said, Barber was to me (even as a rookie) perhaps the most interesting track I have run, adn the facilities are truly world class. I didn't think a track could have better facilities than VIR -- Barber does.

Barber has just about every time of corner, different radii, apexs, sweepers, high speed esses, up and down, a small corkscrew, etc. Straights are the perfect length for IT cars (just touching top of 4th/5th gear). Fields were huge in 04 too. I think there were 20+ ITS cars.

Fun track, hope the track management has chilled out.