"Cat Killer" Childs made some additional improvements in his ITA Neon with getting into the 46's... now he just needs to get that added power he was talking about + make the thing turn (ala Greg Amy style... damn Macpherson's) and he'll be right up there with us!

I would have been closer to you guys in the race, had it not been for being held up behind the #17 ITS BMW for the whole race. I ended up running his lap times. I could not figure out how my Neon was faster than a BMW through the twisties. He would pull ten cars on me down the back straight and I would be on his bumper at Madness? He would pull about five cars on me on the front straight and I would be right on him going into the Keyhole!?

Well there shoudn't be any pesky ITS cars to contend with in August........