Corrected that for you. It's simply a matter of time before people get tired of tripping over Miatas and choose to spend their money elsewhere, just as many Miatas are currently looking to run places besides with other Miatas (like ITS and ITA...if that's not telling, nothing is...)

Enjoy it while you can.

(That ITB Geo Storm is lookin' mighty interesting right about now...) [/b]
Don't correct anything Greg. It's pure speculation on your part. If you have a categorical issue, then moving to ITB ain't going to help you.

Kinda funny......... I asked a year and a half ago to move the 99 miata to A and was told I would not have a snowballs chance in hell,,,, actually i was told I would have a better chance of getting the 944 to A than I would the 99+ cars...... Full circle [/b]

Of course this is NOT the same thing as getting the 99+ Miata classed in ITA. It's a perfectly good ITS car.