Andy, two lists of downsides (a short one, mine) and a long one (Greg's) are above. Respond to them when you get a minute, I know we all have to do things like work during the

But what is boils down to is a philosophy issue. There SHOULD NOT BE a special allowance to allow an SM to run in IT under SM specs that is DIFFERENT FROM THE IT RULESET. That is a basic foundation of what I believed the IT ruleset and the ITAC to be about. Now, we are starting down the path of fudged allowances here and there to make things easier. I am with Kirk on this, that is a HUGE problem.

Last point -- I thought that the allowance for the Torsen in the early Miatas required an entire change of teh carrier (at least it did on our car) so it is completely different than the R&P allowance in IT. The Torsen diff and carrier is beefier and lasts longer than the readily available Mazdacomp early Miata diff and carrier. So this to me smacks of giving the early Miatas a "realiability" allowance when running under SM specs in IT.

And as Greg says, we now have to check the rear end on an SM/IT car to make sure it complies with the motor prep?

Enforcement of the rules here will be a nightmare and simply not possible.

Andy, Jake, others, this is a BAD idea. [/b]
And from a philisophical standpoint, I agree with your position. Write your letter - but a note to all, don't make it about Miata's or Mazda, because it isn't. It's about the biggest pocket of revenue for the SCCA. We are trying to listen and facilitate certain things that some think is good for the club overall. If this was about 'Spec GTI' in ITB or 'Spec GSR' in ITS, I would have voted the same way. Bad for the class? I just don't think so but I have been wrong before.

I don&#39;t need to respond to Greg&#39;s issues. They are moot if the 99+&#39;s are out as I have stated above. <Devil&#39;s advocate hat on> Enforcing the rules not possible? I think you need to look at this practically. Other than the diff CARRIER, the IT rules exceed those of SM in every way. What is so difficult? Why would you even NEED or WANT to check it? It&#39;s no advantage as you know.