race weekend cost break down for a single regional with spectators @ LRP

rent 53000.00
insurance 32.00x200= 6400.00
lunch tickets 2 days 200x8.00= 1600.00
end of day party friday 175x12.00= 2100.00
end of day party sat 60x6.00= 360.00
beer+wine 375.00 per keg 1200.00
lrp golf carts [email protected] per day 400.00
NARRC fee 200x6.00= 1200.00
snacks,ice+fluids 300.00
trophies 1050.00
sanction fee 450.00
volunteer giveaway 600.00
SRF+FE compliance fee 270.00

total expenses $ 68930.00

I have dipped just a toe in this process, but one item bears repeating...the fees you see above for the food, beer, wine and carts are non negotiable. If you dont want to pay them, you don't race at Lime Rock.

And that brings up yet another "squeeze" in the situation. Worker numbers are fading, and reducing the "benefits" they receive (food, wine, beer, giveaways) won't help that.

So, while it appears on the surface that there is an area that could be trimmed, I suggest that's not really the case.