3 Hr ECR @ Kershaw ?

Aged racer

New member
Anybody notice this on the ECR website?

"Rumor has it the May 28th ECR at Kershaw will be a 3 hour race run Monday morning"

Can anyone "confirm" the "rumor" ?

Does anybody know if the brakes will even last 3 hours on a fwd car at Cmp. Last time I was there was the
first ever Scca race back in 1999.

Also can we just show up on monday and do the register,qualify, race thing. That is a real busy week for
me because of a small little race over in charlotte called the Coke 600.

I'm trying to figure this all out. USERA was originally invited to take part of the Memorial Day event and host a three hour (or longer) enduro. At the time, Monday was to be an all-USERA day. That has apparently changed to the point where a longer ECR event AND USERA are both expected to be on Monday.

When I spoke to someone from the Region last week, the discussion was about a two hour ECR and a three hour USERA event... but I'm worried about how drivers would turn around their cars between the two races.

Oh... and I can report that Spec Miatas will go three hours on a set of brakes. We hosted a pair of three hour enduros there last year with no brake issues. I can't answer about all cars... but I would expect three hours would be OK for most IS/SM/SS cars.

I'll post on update when/if I learn more...
Ken, would be great to get some clarification. Two hours is no sweat, three changes the dynamic. Kershaw isn't too bad on brakes but you can count on a pair of fronts.

Arrive and drive in one day w/be cool though. Kolin, maybe you can bring over any leftover Coke Zero than Bobby and the other Coke boys don't drink up...
I have heard that the plan is to have a 1.5 hr ECR Sun. All the ECR stuff will be Sun. Practice, Qualifying, Race. Nothing on Mon. to let everyone have the day off still.
Rob, can you tell me who you heard that from? I haven't been able to reach anyone from the region about either event (CMP or Lowes) to confirm these rumors. Since we were originally included on both weekends, I would have assumed someone from the region would have thought to contact us and let us know what they were thinking...
Guys in another thread Steve Eckerich posted a 3 hour on monday morning with a done by noon
time frame. I hope this works out to be true. But I will admit sunday would probably work out
better for the majority. I will however be physically on the track at charlotte on sunday. Work
sometimes is not fair. Enjoy

Rob May = SLOW

Been out of power and offline for a few days. CCR has been unable to make all the arrangements and get proper commitments to make Monday at CMP financially viable. We have dropped the Monday and have added a 2:05 min ECR to the Sunday schedule. We will have a seperate practice and qualifier Sunday morning for the ECR group and leave you Monday to travel home. Sorry we could not make the 3 hour a reality at this time but we are looking at an event later in the year. Look forward to seeing all of you at the track.
Steve Eckerich
A proposed 3 hour ECR at CMP was consider by the CCR Board, but just would not fit in the approvd two day schedule at CMP. Cost prohibited running the event on Monday, so a 2 hour 5 min has been scheduled for Sunday. that means everyone gets to go home on Monday.

Dicussions are focsued on a 3 hour event at Lowes, but a decission must be made very soon. Any intrest?

Dick McCollister
It looks like its a 2 hr 5min enduro at Kershaw. Does'nt the GCR state that 1 driver can only drive a max of 90 minutes per race? I plan on running the enduro but i'm only one driver, can i drive the entire race by myself? I'm in the ITB class.