alright...the makings of the big ITR/S corral is begining. first one through the gate grabs some real estate...last one buys the beer! oooo, bad plan..that means we have to sit there and wait for the beer.

gotta watch out for that dj guy...crafty old jarhead....he let me win last year, then went and got a new engine and set track record at mid-o.....time for some grudge match, er, testing, action at summit in two weeks, eh dj?

this racing stuff is too much fun!

"Hey how about the last one in buys the beer? I'm going down for the test day. "

That will be a cold day in hell when I let a coastie win! You earned that race, while I was being used as a brake marker by, it seemed, like every AS & ITE car on the track. By the way Marshall I did notice a TARGET painted on my car after the race and I know I didn't put it there!

I&#39;ll definately see you at summit and we can plan our attack on Steve @ vir, but......shhhhhhh, mum&#39;s the word we can&#39;t let him know what were <strike>plotting</strike> scheming.