NHIS Opening Day

Don't worry guys. I was just building the suspense! ITR has its first entrant! Who's coming to get me (assuming I get signed off at the school of course) ?
Camping is allowed ? I dont see anything in the supps, any places to park with electric?

Plenty of camping and campers with fires to keep you warm and entertained at night right in the infield padock (Not at the garages)... Also plenty of electricity but I think you pay $10.00 a day to hook up to it.

Plenty of camping and campers with fires to keep you warm and entertained at night right in the infield padock (Not at the garages)... Also plenty of electricity but I think you pay $10.00 a day to hook up to it.


Yup, what Raymond said....'cept it is $10 per weekend for electricity. Unless it went up?

How much snow is up there right now?

I talked with the track yesterday (April 9), in regards to Thursday's test day. I received this:

"I plan to run open test on Thursday unless we get snow on Thursday. It should be rain if anything. Track is ready by this afternoon."

Now, that tells me the track is ready. COM is suppose to be there today, I think. However, the local weather guys are now talking about some decent snow for Thursday (April 12), which is the scheduled test day this week. I wouldn't count on that happening. Not sure how much snow will be at the track, but I would guess enough to make testing kind of suck.

None of this means anything for the Regional, though. That is still far enough away that we don't have a clue as to what the weather will be like.
Regular NHIS test days there are no credentials required. I am not sure if a SCCA sponsored test day has restrictions.

I was shooting to do the test day this Thursday. But I don't think snow driving skills will help with the set-up of the car. :snow_cool:
One week to go!

ITR: 2 (Tizdale is registered in both ITS and ITR but can't run both so one class will lose an entry)
ITS: 15
ITA: 19
ITB: 3
ITC: 1


SM: 19
SSM: 20
SRF: 12
Entire G2: 4 (FV, F500, CF, NCF, FST)
Just an FYI guys, ice racing tires will be available at Wally's Tire and Hunting Emporium, located just north of the track. PM me if you need the address. :happy204:
One week to go!

ITR: 2 (Tizdale is registered in both ITS and ITR but can't run both so one class will lose an entry)
ITS: 15
ITA: 19
ITB: 3
ITC: 1


SM: 19
SSM: 20
SRF: 12
Entire G2: 4 (FV, F500, CF, NCF, FST)

Maybe he is running 2 cars???

edit: duh, are ITS and ITR rungroups combined?

Yeap. ITB/ITS/ITR group 5.

NER has just odd groupings to me. But then maybe it works. [/b]

It's a tough call. Small tracks (1.5 miles for NHIS and LRP) and full fields. Most of the bigger tracks I see across the country can run all of IT together (bigger tracks and smaller fields) On an average weekend up here, that would be 65+ cars for 38 slots...this weekend is traditionally 'light' as it's the first race after the deep freeze and it's only a single...plus May is a 3 race-weekend month.

The theory of the ITS/ITB and the old ITA/ITC is to keep like cars on track together but ones with enough speed differential to keep them out of each others hair on such small tracks. You can't lap the slower class more than once (if that) on such small tracks (talking leaders vs. leaders)
I guess that makes sense. WDCR has just a strong enough IT turn out that its actually a problem finding the correct grouping. Last year it was ITS with big bore, ITA/ITB, ITC with SRX7 and the ITA/B/7 group was at the 50 max registered nearly every weekend. So for this year its ITR/S/A, ITB/C, and IT7/SRX7/SS. It should be interesting for me since I am not used to us being the faster class on the track. I just hope I can only hope I can find some of that time on the track or ill be in the midst of the ITC leaders race given my lap times from last year.
Brand new class of expensive cars...

Last year it was "we ain't got no place to race our cars!" Now you guys are just getting GREEDY... ;)
Please tell me that it's not snowing in Loudon NH. Please tell me it's not flooding with the massive rain we're having. :(