That would be your "interpretation". Please have a camcorder handy when you explain that to a Tech Inspector...and then a Steward...and then the SOM's...and then a Court of Appeals. We wanna watch....
I'll stand by what the GCR does not specifically require. If it ain't there, it ain't required. It's an oversight in the GCR, but that magic little word "shall" isn't there.

Anyone notice this little change to the GCR?
<blockquote>Drivers and automobiles shall come under the orders of the Starter from the time the Chief Steward delegates this control to the Starter until the green flag is displayed. (Italic new text)</blockquote>
Wonder why it was changed? The GCR said the field was under Starter&#39;s Orders when the CS delegated the control. The GCR also said that no car may improve its position when under Starter&#39;s Orders. It was oddly silent on when cars stopped being under Starter&#39;s Orders.