The best rule is no rule. The current rule is so vague as to be almost no rule. I've never seen any effort to enforce even the older more restrictive rule. It doesn't cost any money or take much effort to fit the smallest cheapest lightest battery, so it's not really rule creep. Really small batteries will introduce reliability issues so if a competitor gets carried away with small and light then he will pay that price for it.

Worry about safety Worry about illegal motors. Don't waste time worrying about batteries.

Charlie Broring [/b]

When you change a rule that allows everyone a real or perceived performance increase...especially when the current rule is equal to nearly, if not all, then you are essentially requiring everyone to go out and replace what they've got.

That's just dumb and uneccessary.

With regards to the "I've seen this and that"...well, why not protest it?? There aren't many easier protests. Honestly, I am shocked sometimes that we have the balls to request a change of a rule for an entire nation of IT racers because we don't have the balls to just tell the other guy to do it right.

I just don't see this particualar rule as being that broken.

Of course, that's just my opinion.