The comparison you make above was to a stock ECU? [/b]
No. It was with a 'flashed' OBD-1 ECU. Basically the same effect as pulling fuel pressure out. Baseline numbers with stock ECU were more peaky and about 5 hp/5 ft/lbs below what you see as the '2nd' baseline above.

In a 1.8 with ITA built engine?[/b]
Yes. .020 over balanced and blueprinted bottom end. Boig header and proper port match. Kelly did my latest cylinder head, did the porting, the valve job and shaved it to grab the half point compression bump.

Was the comparison back to back (ie, dyno runs on same day/same conditions except for the ECU)? I know dyno results are sensitive, but I was wondering if you would be willing to post any showing the comparison you describe. [/b]
No stock ECU runs that day but the programmable to flashed is applicable. I am confident that you would raise the HP and TQ curves up a full 10 each from the stock box.
I am going to try to get up to NHIS at some point this season. I have family in NH so it would make a nice week combining a visit with a race or two. I'll look for you if I do. If you get down to Summit for a MARRS race, look for yellow # 5 Ita Miata.[/b]
Bring your Miata and come to Lime Rock and have your family meet you there!!!!