Thanks for your response. What I should have done was wait for the traqmate version of chase cam to come out. It integrates the video and traqmate data as it records. It was due to come out April 2.

As luck would have it, I ended up getting a pretty decent order last Monday, it was going into the Nuke plant in Monticello, MN. I was already half way there, but I figured I should probably get some video footage inside a nuclear power plant! Expense account!!!

On the way up I stopped at a Best Buy and bought a cam corder that has an internal hard drive and an SD card slot. It has the 16:9 picture size and a bunch of fancy stuff I will never use, but it has very few buttons so I figure it is the best one for me. The HD does not move while recording to the SD card, so I should be OK. It is compatible with the new high capacity SD cards, so I bought a 4 gig card too. I figured the $114 for the 4 year extended warranty was a bargain, so I got that (covers everything except dropping it into water).

I could not justify buying the roll bar mount on expense account, so that's $86 out of my 2007 racing budget.

It's not what I planned on getting, but I'll let you know how it works.
