Concerned drivers,

There are problems within the ECR system which ultimately make the regions look bad. The host region has little input and control over how the events are scheduled and run. ECR administration offers little to no support and turns around and criticizes the host regions, post event. CFR has chosen not to participate in this series, with its’ Daytona event and might not conduct further ECRs until the deficiencies are corrected or, at least, addressed.

CFR’s ECR rep (me) brought the problems to the attention of the ECR Committee in January. The remaining members of the Committee chose not to address those issues.

In a conversation with Carol Cone, I stated that only about 8 members of CFR participated as a registered entrant of the ECR series in 2006. In fact, per the final ECR points for 2006, ECR events throughout the division drew over 420 drivers. Of that 420, only 48 (11.5%) were actually registered entrants eligible to accumulate ECR points. Of the 48, only 5 were shown as members of CFR and 4 were members of Florida Region. Point being, if the ECR program was so great and not broken, why then are so few drivers joining the series. Why should the region and drivers continue to participate and support the program financially when there is minimal driver interest in the series, as a series, and just serves to make the regions look bad.

The Daytona event will consist of two 90 minute enduro groups. The formal rules will be posted to the DLB registration site by the end of this month. The basic format of the event remains very similar to that of the ECR series. If only a few cars show in each group, then we’ll combine them into one and have oh, maybe a three hour enduro…. perhaps........

Robin Langlotz
CFR Race Board Chair