So here's an idea.

We start up a website, and get the word out that "IT" cars..REAL IT cars...will be running in Prepared, like Planet 6, and we'll label our cars "Under D Prepared", and we'll make our own trophies and hand them out in Topeka to OUR winners. If you're the first ITA car in the field, no matter where you finish overall, you win UnPrep-ITA. Maybe Speed will pick up on it and run it as a "sidebar" or a "human interest" story.

Could be fun!


UnPrep-ITA! I love it!

Oh, and we get Gregg to sponsor us all. And make it a requirement that every IT driver has to where an Isaac. And we get great big SFI with a slash through it stickers for the hoods of all the cars. And we have the best party. And the best food. And, we keep all the Speed people drunk and well fed so they are sure to like us!!