The Longest Day 24 Hour Event


New member
Well here it is , finally! Please note we have two new classes. ITH, which will be Hybrid cars, no one offs must be a factory designed car in production. SPD, Diesel type production car under 2.5L. For those who want to run the following classes SPO, SPU, SPD, ITH and ITE plus note section 1.4.1.
You're very welcome. Now to show your appreciation lets pass the word along and fill this field! We are encouraging those who don't want to run to come and spectate. This should be one great event to watch!!

Cool. You've made some SRF guys very happy, too.

Now I just have to work on my bad habit of "falling off the outside exit of the Carousel in the dark". Yeehar. I love the Nelsonring !

Diesel...hybrid...hmmmm.....I live right up the street from the largest concentration of GM's EV1's on the planet (remember the EV1's ? They're getting re-purposed with fuel cells). Wonder how long it would take to 'cage' one. Wonder if the overhead fuel rig can handle liquid hydrogen. "Oh, the humanity....."
We want to be there for the 24 but with it not ending till 3pm Sunday it means a lot of drivers, crew & corner workers not getting to go to work on Monday. Why can't it start earlier on Saturday like VIR's 13?
Rob T.

The decision to make the start time was made back in 1980 when the first Longest Day was run. In keeping with the deep history of the race the decision was made to stay with the historic start time. Time was also needed for prerace activites ( Team and crew recognition )for the spectators( yes we expect lots of spectators) and for the teams / workers to be well rested before the start of the event. I understand your concern but I think once the race is over you will agree that a few extra hours you arrived home later than you wanted was more than worth it. Thank you for your input it is appreciated.

Well, Tomorrow is the day you can send in your intent to run forms. :happy204: From the looks of things we will definitely have a full field (Thank you all for your support) so get those entries in early if you want the chance to run in this great event.

If you haven’t been to the Nelson Ledges web site ( ) here is a quick overview of the event:

After a ten year hiatus we are very excited to announce the return of the Longest Day of Nelson 24 Hour Endurance Event. The 18th running of the Longest Day will start at 3:00 PM on Saturday, August 25th 2007.

The Longest Day of Nelson was the first endurance event designed specifically for showroom stock type racing and is considered by many to be one of the most historic and significant races for both armature and professional competitors of its kind. The race grew to involve participation from all over the globe including many famous and certainly some not so famous, but equally dedicated, drivers and team members. Over its rich history the Longest Day garnered the interest of major vehicle manufactures and international media attention, and was often refer to as something that you had to at least try once.

It is our goal to make the 18th running of the Longest Day an equally historic event and build on the tradition that the race developed while including new classes to reflect new trends within the industry. New classes will be included for Hybrid and Diesel powered vehicles to allow the manufactures an opportunity to showcase some of their finest and most technologically advanced vehicles. In addition to attracting an interesting and diverse field of participants we looking to include additional entertainment to provide an attractive atmosphere for spectators of all ages and tastes.

We are in negotiations to become the Crown Jewel of a new Endurance Racing Championship Series that will include many if not all the SCCA sanctioned long endurance races in the US. This series should attract a lot of interest from sponsors and fans and we are very excited about its potential. The plan for this series is to be based on a Pro-am type format so that we can generate significant interest and participation while affording the armature endurance racer the opportunity to participate and fully maximize their racing programs. Things are moving quickly with organizing the series and we intend to have the frame work published soon for kick-off this year.
....Well, Tomorrow is the day you can send in your intent to run forms.... [/b]

Is that "today" (2/26/07) rather than "tomorrow" (2/27/07) ? The Intent form says "Postmarks BEFORE February 26th 2007 will be returned to sender".
Now if I didn't make at least one mistake it wouldn't be right. :rolleyes: I was just checking to see if you guys was reading the rules! ( That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!) :024:

Well here it is , finally! Please note we have two new classes. ITH, which will be Hybrid cars, no one offs must be a factory designed car in production. SPD, Diesel type production car under 3L. For those who want to run the following classes SPO, SPU, SPD, ITH and ITE plus note section 1.4.1.

What am I looking for on the web sites, re: 1.4.1. - SPO, SPU, SPD, ITH and ITE are subject to approval by race organizers and must follow the Neohio Regional Class Rules. These rules are available from the Neohio web site, and the Nelson Ledges web site

Roland - yet another question, which is probably a bit premature but it's nice to know ahead of time etc. etc. etc.

Looked all over the new Great Lakes Division web site, but couldn't find a mention of a tire rule for 'Regional' Spec Miata. CenDiv has been 'open' for Regionals, but to set a budget it'd be real nice to what the SM tire rule will be (yeah...I know...should ask on the specpiñ site...but it's an ITA car, too).


You are correct on the two web sites. You will currently find nothing there. I am told they will be approved this weekend. I will post them here as well. Not the way I wanted it but well you guys know how this goes. If anyone has any questions feel free to email at [email protected] .


SM may use any tire for the 24 hour. The only class that has to conform to a tire rule is SRF.

Good questions , any more?


Is it gonna rain ?

No it isn't going to rain. I have discussed this with the weather stewards and we are in full agreement that it will not rain this year per the weather supps. :rolleyes:

No it isn't going to rain. [/b]

But I want it to rain. Really. We kicked arse at the 12 Hour at the Nelsonring last the rain...because the rain is our friend. Any schmoe can race in the takes a particularly unique schmoe to race in the wet at NL.
Speaking of rain, and perhaps the need for rain tires:

Do we know yet who will be providing tire support?

Not for sure yet. I'll post as soon as I know.


I'll let it rain if someone can find me a good intermediate tire for my RX7 , we can't find a good one that works so no rain for you front drivers. :o