O.K. I'll bite; I don't usually get involved in these forums but this is getting crazy. First let me say that I have had cars prepped to equal states of tune using both chipping/ flashing and stand alone ECUs stuffed into existing boxes. I chipped and reflased the ECU in my BMW E36, I was able to disable the speed limiter, raise the rev limit, remap the fuel, change the ignition curve and could have even altered the timing of VANOS on/off actuation. I have programed aftermarket ECUs for an RX7, Miata ITS and Porsche 944s. The exact same results were acheived! The only difference was that it was much easier and cheaper to accomplish with the aftermarket units. The simple fact is that fuel injected cars must be allowed ECU changes in order to reliably race them just as carberated cars must be allowed rejetting in order to reliably race them. When you open up an exhaust, free up an air intake, install oversize pistons to the legal limit and pursue the other such improvements allowed under the IMPROVED Touring rules then you must provide more fuel to the motor or you will need to replace such motor on a regular basis. Given the need to allow changes to these tuning parameters then why dictate the manner in which the changes must be made. Its absurd to think that limiting ECU changes to chipping/reflashing in any way limits the performance enhancement potential for most cars; it only puts such improvements out of reach for many. Hav'nt we learned anything from the "threaded coil over sleeve". If something is allowed it should be allowed for all and we shouldn't dictate how to accomplish it; that can only serve to make it more difficult and hence expensive to achieve.