No ITR for the ECR series?


New member
The ECR rules were just released, and they don't include ITR in the allowed class list. It is further confirmed by the run groups scheduled at Moroso this weekend, and Rockingham next month. The same appears to be true for the Carolina Cup (though I haven't seen their rules). It is disappointing to have this new class, and not be able to run in it. We had planned to run this season unrestricted...
Grafton, I agree, that makes no sense. Who runs the ECR series? Is it just an oversight? I can't believe they intended to leave ITR out.
Apparently the ECR Committee was concerned about the size and speed of the new ITR cars and have decided to see how they perform before considering them for the series. No, I am NOT a member of that committee. No idea why CCPS won't let ITR run.

The Pro-IT Committee originally wanted to exclude ITR from that series as well, but it was overridden by Atlanta Region Board of Directors (of which I AM a part).

Apparently you guys haven't done a very good job of educating the old-timers regarding ITR - there seems to be this fear of 3000# cars running five seconds a lap faster than any existing IT car. I'm thinking the fastest ITR cars will be 2 seconds a lap faster than the fastest ITS cars and most will be mid-pack, but I certainly could be wrong.

I know it's difficult to believe, but there are those in SCCA that resist change just because it's something different. :blink:

Butch Kummer
Wow, this is shocking to me.

An ITR BMW 325 is essentially what "was" an ITS 325 two years ago. What is there to be afraid of?

Who do we write to on the ECR committee?
Jezz, Butch, do you work or are you just looking at this and other racing forums all day? Every time I see some post I might be able to help with you're already on top of it.

It's either that or you get email notification on any new post. :rolleyes:
Tom, it true - I have no life other than racing, and with the weather we've got out there today (which is nothing to the Yankees that frequent the board) it's too cold & damp under the shadetree to work on the car today. :lol:

Actually, I was waiting on a job to run and decided to see what's happening in the real world. Right place at the right time, plus it gives me a chance to whine about a pet peeve of mine (people against change just because it's different). It's amazing the number of experienced SCCA people that seem to truly believe that ITR will be the death knell of Club Racing as we know it today! It's not like we're letting those godawful stock car drivers with the noisy. smelly, out-of-control V8's run in ECR, for God's sake. Now that WOULD be the sign of the apocolypse! :blink:

I'll go delete my post(s) and you can respond if you want.

Are you guys serious about the perception of ITR in the "old school" SCCA circles?

I know I am knew, but as one of the guys who got ITR up and running, I see it as absolutely necessary. We needed, badly, to class newer cars in IT.

What is the fear here? At least for a couple of seasons, I don't think you will see many ITR cars going even as fast as the top S cars.

Sometimes, the SCCA scares me.
Apparently the ECR Committee was concerned about the size and speed of the new ITR cars and have decided to see how they perform before considering them for the series.[/b]

When I ran ITB, we had A-sedans in the same ECR group at Daytona. <edit> I believe the old ITD cars were in that same group as well. </edit> Now that's speed differential. As Jeff pointed out, most of the first ITR cars will be 2004 season ITS BMW 325's, except 85 lbs. lighter. According to the ITAC, that car will be competitive. We're not talking warp speed here.

The SRF's are allowed though, which makes a lot less sense because they're top speed is slower, but they brake and corner much better than most any IT car. Not to mention they are so low you might not see one driving right next to you.

It is also worth noting that the run group is exactly the same, but includes ITR, for the SARRC race at Rockingham.
Are you guys serious about the perception of ITR in the "old school" SCCA circles?

I know I am knew, but as one of the guys who got ITR up and running, I see it as absolutely necessary. We needed, badly, to class newer cars in IT.

What is the fear here? At least for a couple of seasons, I don't think you will see many ITR cars going even as fast as the top S cars.

Sometimes, the SCCA scares me.

Let me see if I can be tactful here (and not become a version of MattBerg):

Yes. Look at the names on the ECR Committee (definitely "old school") and provide another explanation on why ITR is not part of the series. I was equally amazed when the Pro-IT Committee wanted to leave ITR out, but I think they were lumping ITR in with the ITO (ITE in the rest of the country) cars that I wanted to add to the series. I gave in on ITO, but was successful in overcoming their objections to ITR. I have no such influence over the ECR rules.

I am not knew <sic> here (just giving you crap, Jeff ;)), but I agree that ITR needs to happen. And if ITO takes off like I believe it will, I'll push to include it as a SARRC class eventually.

I also agree the differential between ITR & ITS will be much the same as ITS & ITA today, which means the fast ITS guys will be bitching about the mid-pack ITR guys holding them up. At least that will help deafen the whining from the fast ITA guys about the mid-pack ITS'ers. :rolleyes:

Me, too.

Butch Kummer
While we have not had this problem locally, there does seem to be some who are afraid of ITR's performance. I heard that a prominent official in another division said that cars should not go that fast without fuel cells. Of course most of the fires I have seen were a result of poorly installed fuel cells rather than late model DOT fuel tanks and plumbing.
I'd suspect the ITR being a new class it will be up to the Region to support them for a while.

Will the ITR class be faster then ITE? ITE is still 'new' and I know for a fact they are very fast. Times under 2:10s at VIR full course and speeds in excess of 150mph on the straights.

I'm all about new classes, but always check to see if you'll actually be able to run the races you wish before you build for one. Sprint races in very fast cars are like drag racing to me and it's fun once in a while...but put me in a slower car for an enduro anyday!

Matt Douglas
You guys really need to contact your local governing bodies. Since the ECR and Carolina Cup series are both 'restricted regional' events, they can include or exclude whoever they want. It's your job to make a case for inclusion. I, for one, would think this is a no-brainer but....

Case in point. Look at the 2004 GCR for the E36 325. The only difference in the ITR version and that version is 85lbs of minimum weight. All the cars in the class have a target power to weight ratio in IT prep built around this car. So in THEORY, no car should significantly faster than a cars from 2004 + development and new tire technologies.

Each of these groups out to look at the REASON this class was born...demand. How are participation levels since the 325's got stupid restrictor plates? How about all the potential crossover from Honda Challenge? Ask them to look at the forrest through the trees and understand that these cars will all meet GCR safety requirments, hav proper cages and really be just a couple seconds faster than ITS...and no where near a top ITE car.
If the unrestricted 325's are supposed to be an example of the speed potential of ITR, what's the big deal? I've run the slowest class car (sometimes the slowest car, but let's not go there) on the track with the BMW's, etc., and have no problem. Active use of the mirrors and a point go a long way in safety. They come up on me like bullets, go by like rockets, and disappear like vapor, but always with a waive of thanks. If given the choice, I'd rather race with a cluster of ITR and ITS cars any day than a group of Spec Racers. Now those guys are freakin' dangerous!!!
You guys really need to contact your local governing bodies. Since the ECR and Carolina Cup series are both 'restricted regional' events, they can include or exclude whoever they want. It's your job to make a case for inclusion. I, for one, would think this is a no-brainer but....

Case in point. Look at the 2004 GCR for the E36 325. The only difference in the ITR version and that version is 85lbs of minimum weight. All the cars in the class have a target power to weight ratio in IT prep built around this car. So in THEORY, no car should significantly faster than a cars from 2004 + development and new tire technologies.

Each of these groups out to look at the REASON this class was born...demand. How are participation levels since the 325's got stupid restrictor plates? How about all the potential crossover from Honda Challenge? Ask them to look at the forrest through the trees and understand that these cars will all meet GCR safety requirments, hav proper cages and really be just a couple seconds faster than ITS...and no where near a top ITE car.
More to it than it seems on the surface Andy. We have had 104 cars in the enduro at VIR and similar numbers close to max track numbers elsewhere. I think they should be included but some are afraid of the extra cars.
More to it than it seems on the surface Andy. We have had 104 cars in the enduro at VIR and similar numbers close to max track numbers elsewhere. I think they should be included but some are afraid of the extra cars.

Steve is really just afraid some mid pack ITR guy ( like me maybe ) is going to hold his rotary rocket ship up in the ECR's, don't be a trophy hog Steve ! :D
Steve is really just afraid some mid pack ITR guy ( like me maybe ) is going to hold his rotary rocket ship up in the ECR's, don't be a trophy hog Steve ! :D
ROTFLMAO. They don,t let me play ECR much, but I might see you in a SM. :026: I will write a letter to the ECR series and speak with the CCR board about inclusion at our events. ECR may not want to give points but we might be able to get you included. I will do all I can to not give an ITR a overall winthis year. :eclipsee_steering:
My completely politically incorrect response:

What a crock
Complete BS

Feel free to quote me.


Calculations show that when the fast guys get them developed, you're looking at about 2 seconds a lap faster than ITS at the average track.
Well I must say you guys have a great series going (and some great tracks) if you are overflowing your enduros. Congrats.

Having said that, there are many ways to approach oversubsciption issues. If IT cars are included, ITR should be as well. Heck, if you can enter them legally in ITE, it makes no sense to not allow the real class.