I quess things have changed since '88 because when I got married my father-in-law paid the tab and it was 5 figures back then. Of course we were both getting married for the first time and I didn't care how big it was as long as there was an open bar for me and my friends. I gotta admit 300 people was too much, but they're catholic so waddyagonnado?

After over 18 years of marriage I may have some good advice, but I donno. First, and foremost is communication since without it, unless you're both mind readers, how are you supposed to know?

Second, be cool with the finances and don't spend more than you make.

Third, if either of you think you're going to change the other, think again, or stop the whole thing now before it gets out of hand. For some reason women marry men thinking they are going to change and men marry women thinking they're not.

And last, no screwing around.

Do these things and it should work.