I have to confess, my wife actually supports me and my racing but she also doesn't like it or going to the track. She supported me financially for a long time as I was a low paid public servant while she brought home the bacon as, now get this, it is really true, a ROCKET SCIENTIST.

Now that I have retired and joined the world as a scumbag, double dipping, government contractor I have tried to repay her support and buy her a new car, a Mazda CX7, for her last birthday, one of those MAJOR birthdays! You know what her response was "I don't want or need a new car, I want a sewing machine and besides you still haven't built your new shop." I quickly told her to spec the machine and I would write a check. I have meetings scheduled with builders in the next couple of weeks.

I have used Dave's lines as well. I am saving money with the race car because tires are cheaper than the ones I bought to autox with. She didn't buy it either.

Good luck Scott. Get her to come to the track and maybe she will enjoy it and then you will lose seat time like Ed.