I guess about 1992 I went to my first race at Summit Point. Every year after that I went to the Labor Day double. Back in 1999 I decided to date my best friends sister, which he pushed me to do. In 2000 I got engaged. In early 2002 someone (J&L Automotive) gave me a means to possibly race. The idea intrigued me. I told myself that there was no way I could ever afford it, I was getting married, blah blah blah. My Fiancee told me that I was only young once, I would be stupid not to go have fun. I argued the point for about a week. Every time she told me to go do it. October of 2002 I did my first school. Winter of 2002 I built my car. March of 2003 I did my second school. May of 2004 I got married. It is now 2007. I have not stopped racing, I have a kid due in July, I plan to race MARRS 1-3 and the Labor Day double.

I could not, would not have done this if it wasn't for my now wife. She puts up with a lot of race talk. She has come to EVERY race. I will admit that I am DEFINITELY a lucky man, and not just because she likes racing. She takes good care of me.