My wife Melissa sometimes equates items she wants to purchase in terms of my tires. Last fall we were at Home Depot looking to replace some wire fence on the side of our house. I was pretty surprised with how much the darn materials would cost. Melissa's response was "what do you mean? That only costs what a set of tires does." All I could respond was "I know!!!" Yeah, we were thinking totally differently about this one. Give up a set of tires for a silly fence? Ha!

In all seriousness, try to find some ways to get her involved. Now that Melissa has gotten to know more people at the track, she actually looks forward to the events. (She still thinks spending money on tires sucks, and gets a glazed look in her eyes when I try to talk about about racing parts.)

I've also used the argument that my racing has saved us money!! I now know how to work on our street cars when they break (well, kinda), I don't get speeding tickets since I save it for the track (knock on wood I have't been caught), and it motivated me to finding a higher paying day job. I actually think there are some valid points here; she didn't.